Eat regular meals and snacks - 3 meals + 2 snacks every day. Aim to eat every 3-4 hours to keep your metabolism working well
Eat largely whole, natural food, like what the cavemen used to eat. This includes meat, seafood, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Eat small amounts of legumes and grains (the caveman did not eat these, and our body systems have not changed enough since this era to digest the types of 'food' we attempt to consume these days. Cut out that processed food!! If it comes from a can or a packet it's probably not 'whole food'
Drink water, and plenty of it! At least 70% of your body consists of water and if you don't replace the water that's in there, your body will end up like a stagnant, smelly pond! To work out how much you need, take your bodyweight and divide by 0.024, then divide by 1000 to get the value in litres. e.g 80kg x 0.024/1000 = 3.3 litres per day. Preferably invest in a water filter, as tap water contains fluoride and chlorine. Herbal tea can count towards your daily water intake
Sprinkle lecithin granules on your food (e.g. cereal, salad or yoghurt - they will melt if you put them on hot food and won't taste too good). They contain essential fatty acids that support brain and liver function and an ingredient called Phosphatidyl Choline, which helps to break down fat deposits in the body. Lecithin granules are derived from egg yolk or soybeans. You can also get lecithin in liquid and capsule form.
Exercise! The more you move, the more you can eat without putting on weight! In a basic sense, you need to eat less calories than you are burning, in order to lose weight. In general, do something that you enjoy enough to repeat again and again (so that you get a result!)
Forget the fast food
Quality of the food ingredients are poor, high in calories, and bad for
your health.
Even if you think it is healthy, the fast food chains are out for the
big dollar only.
Eating fast food will make you feel terrible, and will not help you lose
tummy fat.
Eat 1 handful of natural or dry roasted almonds or walnuts per day.
Eating nuts will not make you fat.
By eating half an ounce in the morning and half an ounce in the
afternoon, the nuts will keep the tummy satisfied and help you lose
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